November 24, 2015
CAMP historian, Mark Dunkelman, has posted an article on the New York History Blog about the proposed demolition of the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Building. It is entitled, “An Imperiled Civil War Memorial”. Visit Memorial Building in the News on the CAMP web site to read it.
November 13, 2015
Citizens Advocating Memorial Preservation (CAMP) members attended the 11 AM Veterans Day ceremony held by the Little Valley American Legion Post #531 at the Little Valley Rural Cemetery in Little Valley, NY. The solemn ceremony was well-attended by the public despite the inclement weather conditions. The ceremony was officiated by Allie Burdick, a member of American Legion Post #531. Color Guards were present from Post 531 and were joined by a Civil War re-enactor Color Guard representing the CAMP organization.
Immediately following the ceremony at the cemetery, CAMP held their own Veterans Day ceremony at the steps of the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Building located a few blocks down Court Street. They were joined by American Legion members and spectators. The ceremony was officiated by CAMP Chairman Tom Stetz. Pastor Nate Lange of the Little Valley Methodist Church provided the opening and closing prayers for the event.
CAMPers, John Stengel and Tom Place were part of a 5-man re-enactor Civil War Color Guard present during the ceremony. They were joined by another re-enactor, Steve Teeft, who is the executive director of the Echoes Through Time museum in Springville and a representative of the Sons of Union Veterans.
Mr. Stengel placed a wreath at the door of the Memorial Building on behalf of the entire CAMP organization in honor of all American veterans. Mr Teeft placed a wreath at the Memorial Building on behalf of the Sons of Union Veterans.
Several members of the audience spoke in rememberance of their veteran descendants. CAMPer, Nancy Barger, noted that a Mr. Bishop, who is a World War II veteran, honored CAMP by his presence at the ceremony. Mr. Teeft honored his Civil War descendant and spoke about the importance of the Memorial Building as a lasting memorial to all those brave Americans who gave their lives and their service for their country during the Civil War.
A video of the entire ceremony can be viewed on this web site’s Video page: 2015 CAMP Veterans Day Ceremony
(Click on images to enlarge)

The Veterans Memorial at the Little Valley Rural Cemetery in Little Valley, NY

Allie Burdick Delivers his Veterans Day Speech

The American Legion Color Guard

CAMP’s Civil War Re-enactor Color Guard

The American Legion Presents a 7-gun Salute

CAMPer, Clark Casler at the Am Legion Vets Day ceremony.

CAMPer Nancy Bargar and Chairman, Tom Stetz, waiting for the Am Legion ceremony to begin.
November 13, 2015
CAMP members held a ceremony that honored all veterans at the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Building on Veterans Day, November 11, 2015. The Olean Times Herald published an article about the ceremony on November 12, 2015. Please go to the Memorial in the News page of this web site to read the article.
November 9, 2015
Tom Stetz, CAMP Chairman, sent out Letters of Congratulations today to four newly-elected Cattaraugus County legislators. The letters were sent to Legislators Richard Helmich, Joseph Boberg, Robert Neal, Sr. and Barbara Hastings:

NOVEMBER 10, 2015
Legislator Elect ____________________
Congratulations on being elected as a Cattaraugus County Legislator. Citizens Advocating Memorial Preservation (CAMP) looks forward to working with you for the preservation of Cattaraugus County’s most significant Civil War Memorial, the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Building located at the corner of Court Street and Seventh Street in the Village of Little Valley, NY.
Tom Stetz, CAMP Chairman
November, 9 2015
Veterans Day Ceremonies will be held in Little Valley, NY at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion wiill conduct their annual Veterans Day Ceremony in the Little Valley Rural Cemetery across from the Cattaraugus County Fair Grounds.
Immediately following the Cemetery Ceremony, CAMP will hold a brief ceremony at the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Building located at the corner of Court and Seventh St. in Little Valley. The public is encouraged to attend both ceremonies.
CAMP’S ceremony will include:
1) Wreath laying by CAMP and one by the Sons Of Union Veterans from Erie County
2) Veterans Day prayer by a local Little Valley Pastor
3) Reading of the Clark Casler poem
4) Any other appropriate remarks anyone in attendance cares to make.
An Honor Guard of 3-4 Uniformed Civil War re-enactors will also be present.