Memorial Building Images
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The Memorial Building Decorated for Dedication Ceremonies in 1914, courtesy of Cattaraugus County Museum, Machias, NY

Automobiles carried some of the frailer veterans to the 1914 dedication ceremony. Courtesy of Cattaraugus County Museum, Machias, NY.

A detail of the panoramic photo taken on dedication day, September 7, 1914, Courtesy of Mark Dunkelman.

For ninety years, the Memorial and Historical Building served as the county’s historical museum, as intended. Here Mrs. Ethel Carnes, Cattaraugus County Historian, shows some of the Civil War collection in 1974. Photographs of the Memorial’s interior are rare. Courtesy of Rick Miller.

Cattaraugus County Civil War veterans held their regimental reunions in conjunction with the dedication of the Memorial and Historical Building on September 7, 1914. From the Private Collection of Mark Dunkelman.