Notice of 2018 CAMP Annual Member Meeting


The Annual Meeting for Citizens Advocating Memorial Preservation, Inc. (CAMP) will be held Friday August 24, 2018 starting at 1:00 PM.  The meeting will be held at the John Scarano residence, located at  5152 John Darling Road, Conewango Valley, NY  14726-9704.   

The meeting will be held for the purpose of receiving nominations for new and renewing Board of Director members; electing Board Directors; election of the Corporation’s officers by the Board of Directors;  receiving annual reports of the Board and Officers and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting.


Notice given July 20, 2018 by Thomas W. Stetz, CAMP President

Link to Google Map for:  5152 John Darling Road

Map of 5152 John Darling Road, Conewango Valley, NY 14726:

Map 5152