CAMP Thanks 12-9-15 Supporters

December 11, 2015

CAMP members realize that it is almost impossible to personally thank everyone who supported them on the issue of the proposed demolition of the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Building in Little Valley, NY. However, none of you should go unrecognized for your contribution to our efforts on 12-9-15 for a vote against demolition by Catt Co legislators. Your support through emails to legislators and through your presence at the Cattaraugus County Center Building was vital in convincing the legislators that the demolition of a rare Civil War Memorial Building was not the right thing to do.

Thank you for Standing with Us and Raising your Voices in Protest!


CAMP looks forward to working with Cattaraugus County in a concerted effort to preserve this important Civil War memorial in 2016. Your continued support will help to make that possible.